Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Another Twist Emerges in the Wisconsin Recall Elections

The Wisconsin recall elections are fast approaching with 6 of the 19 Republicans in the Wisconsin State Senate facing challenges for their seats. This is the first time that so many recalls have been issued to so many legislators over the same issue. The Republican recall elections will begin on July 12th with the primaries and the general election will take place several weeks later in August. The recall elections are but the latest chapter in the saga of the Wisconsin legislature since the 14 Democrats walked out of the Wisconsin State Senate in protest of a bill which stripped collective bargaining from public workers. Since then, recall election efforts have left 6 Republicans and 3 Democrats facing recall elections in a few short weeks.

While the Democrats announced that they would not be running any “fake Republicans” in the primaries, the Republicans have persisted with their election tricks in an attempt to confuse voters and to force Democrats to spend more money on their campaigns. The use of such a ridiculous method clearly shows that the Republicans are almost definitely more concerned about the recall elections than they’ve been letting on. Republicans are referring to their fake Democrats as “protest candidates” but they are actually costing Wisconsin tax payers over $400,000. So much for fiscal responsibility!

It’s time to stop the power struggle and start coming together to come up with real solutions to middle class problems. Wisconsin Republicans have made it clear that they’re not interested in doing that. The Republicans have the backing of corporate CEOs, but we have the backing of people like you. The people of Wisconsin are standing up and 21st Century Democrats is proud to support them.

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