Wednesday, June 16, 2010

President Obama spoke to the American people last night about the crisis in the Gulf and the obvious need for comprehensive climate change legislation. The President emphasized the importance of restoring the Gulf, helping those who have suffered economically from this tragedy and the need to decrease our nation's dependence on oil and fossil fuels.

BP executives insist that "continued off shore exploration and drilling were essential to American oil and gas supplies and to the health of their industry." Clearly, these executives care more about their bottom line than the people of the Gulf Coast who have experienced overwhelming devastation to their way of life.

It is unacceptable that tens of thousands of barrels of oil have been leaking into the waters off our coast each day for the past eight weeks. The President along with our progressive candidates know that change is the answer.

In response to the President's address, Kendrick Meek expressed his support saying, "Tonight, President Obama spoke of the necessity of exploring clean energy solutions in the wake of this environmental catastrophe. I stand wholeheartedly in support of the President when it comes to decreasing our dependence on oil and other fossil fuels."

Our candidates know that decreasing our dependence on oil is vital to both our environment and our national security. Now more than ever, it is important to support candidates, like Kendrick Meek, who speak out for a comprehensive climate bill and refuse to back down in the face of Big Oil and other special interests.

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